Babylon under the American Flag
America has everything: socialists, communists, capitalists, starving people without a roof over their heads, and billionaires who own mansions throughout the world. America also has huge social gaps, and with the coronavirus and the anti-racism riots, troubles are inundating America from all over. Whoever wins the coming elections, I do not envy him.
The problems in today’s American society can only be solved by love because they are caused by hate. I am not a naive idealist; it is just that the antidote to hate is love. In the same sense that light “heals” darkness, and water “heals” aridity, love “heals” hate.
Only when the factions prefer the well-being of all Americans to the superiority of their own division, they will be able to build a bridge of love over the hatred.
We will have to think about how to get closer to each other because otherwise, reality will force us to do so with its own painful means. We could be looking at a world war, worse outbreaks of pandemics, cataclysmic natural disasters, and who knows what else nature has in store. Therefore, we should approach the terms that nature has set for us of our own volition.
I am not a socialist, a capitalist, or a fighter for anybody’s rights; I am a researcher of nature, and as such, I want to talk about what nature wants from us. Whether we like it or not, we will have to meet its requirements; nature will win, so it’s better to follow its directives of our own accord.
This is what nature tells us: America needs to unite; otherwise, the country will fall apart. Much of the country is divided into factions that fight against each other. And as love is the cure for hate, unity is the cure for separation.
Winning an election and gaining power over the other party’s opponent for four years will not bring unity, and certainly not love. We must look for ways to approach one another. Photogenic kneeling does not help if hatred and separation remain.
Hatred can only be cured by love that covers all the hatred. And precisely because so much hatred has now surfaced, there is no better time to make an effort to cover it with love than now. European Americans, African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans all live in the same country. It is truly a modern Babylon, and it will stay modern Babylon because people are who they are. If there cannot be unity among the various races and colors in America, there will be a catastrophe of truly Biblical proportions.
In Babylon, too, there was a man who pushed for unity over hatred. His name was Abraham, and today we know him as Abraham the Patriarch. Abraham’s efforts to unite his countryfolk above their hatred for each other were rejected, and he himself was ejected from his homeland. Now Babylon has been rebuilt across the ocean from the great empire of the past. But the need for connection, for love to heal the hate, is just as urgent as it was then, and so will be the consequences of rejecting it.
In an election year, emotions flare and tensions rise. And racial tensions are among the most incendiary. As a Russian born Jew, I know about racial tension and I know first-hand what it feels like when you are discriminated against because of how you were born. Still, there is no cure for hatred other than to cover it with love. Only when the factions prefer the well-being of all Americans to the superiority of their own division, they will be able to build a bridge of love over the hatred. Then, and only then, white will remain white, black will remain black, yellow will remain yellow, and red will remain red, but love will rule above them all. Only this one power can conciliate the American people into a single nation under God.
And to do this, modern Babylon needs Abraham’s technique. We must summon together all those who seek unity and work with them, just as Abraham did thirty-eight centuries ago.
Now that the old system is collapsing, it is time to build unity among everyone. We only need to learn how to connect with one another, since without this, everything will fall apart, leaving nothing of our civilization.