Do You Think There Could Ever Be a Perfect Harmony Between Humans and Nature, or Will They Always Be in Conflict with One Another?

Michael Laitman
2 min readJul 20, 2024


On nature’s behalf, humanity is a single integral system. Our ego, which makes us each wish for self-benefit at the expense of others, divides us into different parts and groups. However, our evolution is driving us to a point where we will have to rise above our ego in order to realize our connection as a single integral system out of our own accord.

If we realized our human relations positively, as a single integral system, then we would see positive rippling effects throughout nature, and we would then find how nature — on its still, vegetative and animate levels — relates positively to us. Why? It is because “human,” also called “speaking,” is nature’s uppermost level.

In our present reality, we see that countries divide into more and less wealthy and powerful. As we head into the future, a certain kind of system will have to balance our relations. I think that education will become the largest and most powerful system of all, i.e., an education system that guides the creation of a single integral system with harmonious and peaceful relations out of humanity.

We will have to reach a state where we realize our connection worldwide as a single global-integral connection. Such a system would uphold values of mutual support and consideration. There would then be no one who gains solely for self-benefit alone at the expense of others. Competition for who can receive the most would cease and become replaced by a competition of how to give each other more and more. We will need to develop completely different relations to our current egoistic ones.

The main point that we will need to internalize is that the whole world is a single family. If we will not wish to care for this family, of which we are all its members, then at the end of the day, we will simply bury ourselves.



Michael Laitman

PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics. Founder and president of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute.