How Do I Help Someone Who Is Suffering But Doesn’t Want to Be Helped?
You can only help someone who is ready to be helped. When a person is suffering, their perception of the world is clouded by their pain, rendering them deaf and blind to anything beyond it. In such a state, no one can truly help them. They must go through their suffering and, through it, come to feel the world as filled with goodness and bliss. While people might offer advice, the actual transformation can only take place within the person.
Even animals, like humans, express their pain through a natural form of prayer, such as a cow mooing when it hurts. This cry, whether from an animal or a person, is a genuine expression of a desire for relief. The pain itself serves to guide us in seeking to align ourselves with the laws of nature — laws of altruism, interconnectedness, and interdependence. It might seem like a harsh path, but the discomfort is given in just the right measure to prompt introspection and growth, and not to overwhelm.
The correct state that one must ultimately reach is harmony with nature’s laws, which continually evolve us to greater interconnection and interdependence. To reach that state, we need to rise above our self-centered demands and complaints, and balance our inner state with nature’s perfect altruistic modus operandi. The pain will then dissipate, and we will find ourselves in a world of harmony, peace, and joy.