Is the World Becoming Less Stable?

Michael Laitman
2 min read1 day ago


Undoubtedly. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, from which I derive everything I say, we are entering a new era that Kabbalists refer to as “the age of the last generation.” This age is characterized by humanity’s very intensive development. It does not refer to development that is technological or social, which we know from previous generations, but rather spiritual.

As we move ahead in our evolution, we will need to discover the nature we live in, understanding what it requires of us, how it changes, influences and pushes us in various directions. We will need to deal with major, significant, and global questions about what we truly need in our lives — questions that did not previously surface in us, and from which we have no answers from our past. We will thus need to deeply examine what we can do.

Instability, however, is not unique to our era. Previous generations and eras were also quite unstable, because we constantly change. Nature is changing, and we also change as a result. But indeed, our era is different. Change in our times has become much sharper, more sudden, and more frequent. The changes we experience are ultimately in order to guide us to inner transformation.

We are headed to an increasingly global and integral form, living in one system, as it is written in the Torah, that we will become “as one man with one heart.” We will need to connect more closely, to learn how to live together without conflicts and wars, and to systematically progress to a harmonious and peaceful state of mutual love, bestowal, and connection — a state that the integral laws of nature will increasingly demand of us.



Michael Laitman

PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics. Founder and president of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute.