What Is the Most Useful Subject?

Michael Laitman
2 min read6 days ago


The most useful subject, especially in our present era, is learning what nature demands from us, and how we can meet its demands so that we develop harmonious, peaceful and fulfilling lives.

What does nature demand from us? It demands our positive connection above differences and divisions. The importance of connection is paramount because in the connection we create between us dwells the soul.

What is the soul? The soul is the inner revelation that happens in the connection between people. It does not reside in every person individually, but even if just ten people connect in a certain way, the force of connection between them that they discover is called “the soul.”

We are gradually awakening to the idea that there is nothing more important in life than the connections between us. As we head into the future, connection will indeed be the most useful subject of all.

When we achieve connection between us, we feel a new reality open up to us above our current perception and sensation, one that is more elevated, higher and whole. It is very hard to express, but it is a very important feeling that we should pass on to the younger generation, because the soul has no age. We have the ability to feel the purpose for why we were born even in our years as school children.

Therefore, as there is a tendency in nature that demands our connection “as one person with one heart,” we should likewise relate to human connection with full importance, caring about our connection and how to pass on the ways of positive connection to our future generations.



Michael Laitman

PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics. Founder and president of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute.