What Is the Scientific Evidence For or Against the Idea That God Has Written His Name into Our DNA?
Dr. Yeshayahu Rubinstein, an Israeli scientist, made an intriguing discovery about DNA. He found that the sulfur bonds between the base pairs of genetic material follow a repeating pattern: 10, 5, 6, 5, which correspond to the numeric value of the Hebrew letters Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey, the name of the Creator. From this, he asserts that God has placed His signature within our DNA.
Indeed, the relationship between all aspects of our DNA manifests within a matrix that we can call “The Name of the Creator.” Dr. Rubinstein has uncovered a fundamental structure embedded in nature, which aligns with the pattern of Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey. But this relationship extends beyond DNA — it exists in everything. Sometimes we can perceive, study, and document it, and other times we cannot, but it is always present because it is a fundamental property of nature.
DNA is the record of human information that is located in our cells. Everything we are is built from protein structures, which in Kabbalah correspond to what we call “the three lines.” They form a double helix, connected by bridges, just as in Kabbalistic concepts of balance and interconnection.
This understanding has existed in the wisdom of Kabbalah for 5,000 to 6,000 years, if not more. But the question is, who knew about it before, and in what way?
How can we, in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development, not break this spiral but instead strengthen it? The key is connection with the Creator, i.e., with the force of love, bestowal, and connection that created everything. By doing so, we restore broken connections within us. We need to reach a level where we can receive from the Creator that original force that corrects our DNA, restoring the balance in nature. In Kabbalah this is called the attainment of “the middle line.”
Understanding that the Creator’s code is written in our very structure is indeed helpful. Everything in us consists of these codes: our cells, organs, and entire being. The Creator’s imprint is within us, forming the record of how we were created by an upper force, a higher program.
However, when we fail to resemble the Creator in a certain way, the bridge within DNA breaks. This disconnection causes problems, illnesses, and even death.
What is the Creator’s function within human DNA? The Creator’s role is to ensure balance. DNA’s two parallel protein systems connected by bridges are like the rungs of a ladder. While this is a simplified description, the underlying principle remains that all elements of nature must enter into a harmonious balance, piecing together into an absolutely altruistic interaction. When we achieve such balance, the correct signal is transmitted between the two strands, ensuring optimal functioning and life.
How, then, can we resemble the Creator? The answer is that we must want to resemble the Creator. Our desire reshapes our internal structure. When we actively choose to improve ourselves, i.e., to develop an attitude of love, bestowal, and positive connection with others similar to how the Creator relates to us, our DNA adapts, our spiral winds in such a direction, and we then interact harmoniously with others.
How can we then check our actions against this system? It is simply by being kind. What does it mean to “be kind”? Kindness means placing others above ourselves and living our lives in order to bring them goodness. When we operate accordingly, our system reach optimal functioning. The entire system is designed to operate in a mode of love, bestowal, and connection.
At first glance, it seems like a complex system. But its principle is actually quite simple. The complexity arises because we try to translate the spiritual qualities of love, bestowal, and connection into biological and chemical processes within living matter. The transformation from spirituality to the material realm makes it intricate. Countless interactions and imprints are required at various levels until they manifest in the physical world as correct protein interactions.
It is simply unimaginable. There are too many details to take into account. When I first pondered this question, I realized that at our deterministic level, we cannot fully comprehend, construct, or control these processes. We can, however, adjust ourselves internally. By focusing on goodness, love, connection, and mutual support, we set the right conditions. When our aspirations align with these principles, the correct interactions emerge naturally within us. This is how our inner desire harmonizes with our biological and spiritual systems.
But it does not mean that we only need to wish for something to change. We must, however, actively work on ourselves, i.e., on our thoughts, desires, and interactions with others. By doing so, we heal and improve our inner structure, including our DNA.
DNA is often referred to as the building material of life, as it carries the genetic code of heredity. The question then stands that if we are supposed to eventually align with altruism, then why is our nature egoistic? The answer is that we are intentionally made as self-centered, greedy, and harmful beings so that we can actively correct ourselves.
We are given the ability to correct ourselves, but we need to make moves in such a direction. Doing so requires a teacher, a supportive group, and an initial desire to make this change. We then have the power to correct our physical structure, including our DNA.
However, instead of changing our DNA, we correct it. If we function correctly at the human level — interacting harmoniously with those around us — then our internal systems, including DNA, adjust accordingly. Psychological, mental, and spiritual balance influences physical balance, bringing everything into harmony.
Acting correctly for system development means treating everyone with kindness. At the highest level, this leads to attaining the Creator. In such a state, we become equal to the Creator in our nature and actions. Such an ability is not outwardly visible, but internally, our entire structure becomes corrected. This is the state I wish for all people.
By knowing that the code of altruism is embedded within us, we have the power to unlock it. We then need to find the key to our inner structure and attune ourselves to it. This is the journey we are all destined to take, and ultimately, every person will.