What Should Israel Do Next?

Michael Laitman
2 min readOct 2, 2024


We, the people of Israel, are now in the midst of a special moment that demands our unity. Our will to strengthen our bonds acts as a force against our enemies who are trying to eliminate us, and with the prevailing positive unifying force, we can also be confident that the Land of Israel will be ours.

We are drawing closer to a juncture where the more we will be worthy of spiritual unity, the more we will also be worthy of acquiring the corporeal land. Such an influence exists. It is clear to Kabbalists and it is revealing itself more and more today.

However, we should not miss out on this opportunity. If we weaken in our tendency to unite, then we make way for a situation where we will end up falling into a tug-of-war with each other. Instead, we should aspire for a heartfelt and open state that will let love, unity, and friendship dwell in our connections. Doing so will send positive waves of such connection to the world, and humanity will then participate in this unifying, loving, and peaceful atmosphere that we establish.

The time is ripe for us to unite like we never have before. What we could not do over thousands of years, we can do today. Let us hope that we will succeed in our unifying mission, and that we will receive help from above in doing so. By standing up to the occasion, our desire to unite can match the positive unifying force dwelling in nature, the Creator, which will then elevate us — and all of humanity after us — to the peak of existence.

This unifying spiritual breakthrough depends on us each thinking about how we can fill each other’s hearts. Breaking through into each other’s hearts is equivalent to conquering the Land of Israel, i.e., where “land” (Hebrew: “Eretz”) means “desire” (Hebrew: “Ratzon”), and “Israel” means “straight to the upper force of love, bestowal, and connection” (Hebrew: “Yashar-El”). By relating to our friend’s heart as our very own Land of Israel, and wishing to earnestly fill it with goodness, we will merge our hearts together into one great, big, and whole heart: a complete desire in which the Creator — the upper force of love, bestowal, and connection — can dwell.



Michael Laitman

PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics. Founder and president of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute.