Why Do We Have to Suffer in Life?
Suffering is given to us so that we can take a good look at our lives, examine whether we ourselves are the source of our pain, and understand how to rise above it. The suffering itself is not the goal but a means to elevate us, to help us see its cause from a higher perspective, and ultimately, to free ourselves from it.
When we do this, we begin to realize that there is a philosophy behind all suffering. It exists because we reject it, because we refuse to accept it as something meant for us. But the moment we accept it, we gain the ability to rise above it.
This is not about simply enduring suffering. It is about understanding that suffering serves a greater goal. Nature arranges everything in our lives, including suffering, to guide us toward a greater awareness of its own governance over us. Nature wants us to see that nothing happens without a reason and that every difficulty is an invitation to connect with its laws of love, bestowal, and connection, to align ourselves with the process nature has set for us.
This understanding must be both in the heart and the mind. When we align ourselves with this path, we no longer resist, but we agree, accept, and follow it to a harmonious and peaceful outcome. And in doing so, we discover that suffering itself was never the problem, but the problem was our own opposition to it. When we rise above our resistance to suffering, we see that it was always meant to elevate us.